The most recent of our traditional wines, but at the same time the best known from the Valpolicella area.
It is the product of selected grape bunches from specialized vineyards: the grapes undergo a lengthy natural drying process, followed by extremely slow fermentation in the harshest winter conditions. A long ageing process over a number of years in large oak casks gives the wine its extraordinary balance, which is so stable that it maintains its remarkable organoleptic qualities intact for many years.

Grape varietals

Corvina (70%), Rondinella (25%) and Molinara (5%)

Production Area

Valpolicella Classic Area – Veneto Region

Vinification and ageing

Harvested in mid-September. Naturally dried for 3-4 months in the drying facility. The grapes lose 40-45% of their original weight. De-stemmed and soft-pressed in early January. Fermentation in temperature controlled stainless steel tanks at 22°C for 25 days. Maturation in traditional large Slavonian Oak Casks for 36 months, prior to a further period of bottle-ageing.


Deep garnet red. The Amarone displays typical fruity fragrances of cherries and wild berry preserve, together with elegant hints of sweet spices and dark chocolate. A wine of great structure that is rich, rounded and velvety; it displays a highly appealing full, fruity style, intermingled with refined spicy sensations.

Food pairing

Traditionally enjoyed with roasts, all game, red meat, either cooked or raw. Unbeatable when supped after a meal, accompanied by aged cheeses, both firm and spicy. Amarone’s distinctive flavour compliments new and exotic sweet and sour dishes. Perfect for making the typical local risotto all’Amarone. It is therefore also perfect with Asian and middle-eastern dishes.

Serving temperature

Serves at 18° C. It is recommended that the wine be served at room temperature in large, round crystal glasses so as to fully bring out its unique characteristics.

Alcohol level

14,50 % vol.

Bottle size

750 ml